NYS Physician Profile - Information that may help you to choose a doctor or find out more about the physician you go to now.

Patients Rights in NYS – Provided by the New York State Department of Health.

Release of Medical Recordsmedical release form is a document that gives healthcare professionals permission to share patient medical information with other parties. Under HIPAA regulations, it's referred to as an “authorization.”  The Authorization to Release Health Information is available from the NYS Department of Health:  HIPAA Authorization OCA-960 

What is a Health Care Proxy?  Find out what a Health Care Proxy is and download NY State's Health Care Proxy form.

Find out which immunizations are required in New York State for school-aged children:

NYS Department of Health School Immunization Requirements  - NYS school immunization requirements have changed.  This website will explain the new requirements.   

OASAS (NYS Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse) -   Educating yourself about substance use disorder and the various types of care available is important. General information about substance use disorder treatment is provided here along with answers to frequently asked questions about treatment options, and additional resources.

Information for Medicare Beneficiaries – Helpful information from the NYS Department of Financial Services, which supervises all insurance companies that do business in New York.

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